Nov 21, 2018

Region brief for 2018-11-20


  1. ESET: Vietnamese hacking group hijacks Southeast Asian sites in watering hole campaign
  2. 200K Outlaw Botnet Uses SSH Brute Forcing to Propagate, Monero Mining for Profit
  3. Malvertising in Apple Pay Targets iPhone Users
  4. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Threat Predictions for 2019
  5. Experts analyzed how Iranian OilRIG hackers tested their weaponized documents


  1. Zscaler ThreatLabZ Phishing Roundup


  1. APT29 Re-Emerges After 2 Years with Widespread Espionage Campaign
  2. Russia’s Elite Hackers May Have New Phishing Tricks
  3. Web skimmers compete in Umbro Brasil hack
  4. Inspiring Gender Diversity at Women of the Channel Leadership Summit
  5. Hackers Linked to Russia Impersonate US Officials
  6. Russian hackers are trying out this new malware against US and European targets
  7. Russian hackers are trying out this new malware against US and European targets
  8. Russian APT activity is resurgent, researchers say
  9. Report: Emotet makes phishing lures more convincing by scraping victims' emails
  10. Sofacy Continues Global Attacks and Wheels Out New ‘Cannon’ Trojan
  11. Lazarus Continues Heists, Mounts Attacks on Financial Organizations in Latin America
  12. Zscaler ThreatLabZ Phishing Roundup
  13. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Threat Predictions for 2019
  14. Experts analyzed how Iranian OilRIG hackers tested their weaponized documents
  15. Confiant spots major malvertising attack
  16. Google, Target Hit by Twitter Bitcoin Scam Account Hacks




  1. 200K Outlaw Botnet Uses SSH Brute Forcing to Propagate, Monero Mining for Profit
  2. Infamous Russian Hacking Group Used New Trojan in Recent Attacks
  3. APT29 Re-Emerges After 2 Years with Widespread Espionage Campaign
  4. Voxox leak: Millions of SMS messages exposed
  5. Russia’s Elite Hackers May Have New Phishing Tricks
  6. Government Agencies and Think Tanks attacked, APT29 suspected
  7. An Introduction to Magecart
  8. Hackers Linked to Russia Impersonate US Officials
  9. Two Young Men Jailed for Involvement in TalkTalk Data Breach
  10. Russian hackers are trying out this new malware against US and European targets
  11. TEMP.Periscope Spearphishing
  12. Russian hackers are trying out this new malware against US and European targets
  13. Russian APT activity is resurgent, researchers say
  14. Sofacy Continues Global Attacks and Wheels Out New ‘Cannon’ Trojan
  15. Dutch audit finds Microsoft Office leaks confidential data
  16. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Threat Predictions for 2019
  17. Cozy Bear tracks: Phishing campaign looks like work of Russian APT group
  18. Two TalkTalk hackers jailed for 2015 data breach that cost it £77 million

