- OilRig Sends an OopsIE to Mideast Government Targets
- CrowdStrike uncovered a new campaign of GOBLIN PANDA APT aimed at Vietnam
- Iranian Hackers Improve Recently Used Cyber Weapon
- Web-based Threats-2018 Q2: U.S. Remains in Malicious Web Addresses, China Falls from to
- DHS supply chain and CDM bills pass the House
- Nothing to report
- Nothing to report
- Nothing to report
- Active Campaign Exploits Critical Apache Struts 2 Flaw in the Wild
- Ran Levi interviews Graham Cluley on the Malicious Life podcast
- NSA official: Foreign hackers have ‘pummeled’ U.S. by stealing IP
- X-Force IRIS Identifies FIN6 Activity on POS Networks
- CamuBot banking malware is able to bypass biometric authentication
- Payment card data stealing malware campaign affects dozens of websites each day
- White-Hats Go Rogue, Attack Financial Institutions
- Nothing to report