Nov 21, 2018

Platform report for 2018-11-20


  1. Critical Adobe Flash Bug Impacts Windows, macOS, Linux and Chrome OS
  2. 200K Outlaw Botnet Uses SSH Brute Forcing to Propagate, Monero Mining for Profit
  3. Flash Player Type Confusion Critical Vulnerability, Another Reason Not to Use It
  4. Down But Not Out, WannaCry Malware Continues to Infect Unpatched Windows PCs
  5. APT29 Re-Emerges After 2 Years with Widespread Espionage Campaign
  6. Malvertising in Apple Pay Targets iPhone Users
  7. Hackers Linked to Russia Impersonate US Officials
  8. Sofacy Continues Global Attacks and Wheels Out New ‘Cannon’ Trojan
  9. Lazarus Continues Heists, Mounts Attacks on Financial Organizations in Latin America
  10. Mac users using Exodus cryptocurrency wallet targeted by a small spam campaign
  11. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Threat Predictions for 2019
  12. Experts analyzed how Iranian OilRIG hackers tested their weaponized documents
  13. Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6 release: important bug fixes and security fixes


  1. Critical Adobe Flash Bug Impacts Windows, macOS, Linux and Chrome OS
  2. 200K Outlaw Botnet Uses SSH Brute Forcing to Propagate, Monero Mining for Profit
  3. Hackers target Drupal servers chaining several flaws, including Drupalgeddon2 and DirtyCOW
  4. Flash Player Type Confusion Critical Vulnerability, Another Reason Not to Use It
  5. Malvertising in Apple Pay Targets iPhone Users
  6. Attackers Target Drupal Web Servers with Chained Vulnerabilities




  1. 200K Outlaw Botnet Uses SSH Brute Forcing to Propagate, Monero Mining for Profit
  2. 560,000 Duped Into Installing Android Malware in the Form of Fake Driving Games
  3. Web skimmers compete in Umbro Brasil hack
  4. Malvertising in Apple Pay Targets iPhone Users
  5. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Threat Predictions for 2019
  6. 13 Malicious Apps in Google Play With More than 560,000+ Installs


  1. Malvertising in Apple Pay Targets iPhone Users
  2. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Threat Predictions for 2019


  1. Critical Adobe Flash Bug Impacts Windows, macOS, Linux and Chrome OS
  2. Flash Player Type Confusion Critical Vulnerability, Another Reason Not to Use It
  3. Mac users using Exodus cryptocurrency wallet targeted by a small spam campaign