Nov 15, 2018

APT report for 2018-11-14


  1. Magecart Cybercrime Groups Harvest Payment Card Data
  2. Cyber espionage group used CVE-2018-8589 Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  3. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  4. Infowars Store Affected by Magecart Credit Card Stealing Hack
  5. Alex Jones’ Infowars store was infected with credit card skimming software
  6. Latest Hacking News Podcast
  7. Card skimming malware removed from Infowars online store






  1. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  2. Operation FastCash
























  1. Key takeaways from Datto’s State of the Channel Ransomware Report 2018





Platform report for 2018-11-14


  1. FlawedAmmy, the Only RAT in CheckPoint’s Global Threat Index 2018 List
  2. Microsoft Patches RCE Vulnerabilities in Word, Excel, and Windows Search
  3. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  4. Cyber espionage group used CVE-2018-8589 Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  5. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  6. November 2018 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes 63 flaws, one actively exploited zero-day
  7. Adobe Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix known Acrobat flaw
  8. Zero-day Windows exploit fix stars in November Patch Tuesday
  9. November Patch Tuesday Fixes Another Zero-Day Win32k Bug, Other Public Vulnerabilities
  10. Microsoft Patches Windows Zero-Day Exploited in Cyber Attacks
  11. APT Group Uses Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  12. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  13. A new exploit for zero-day vulnerability CVE-2018-8589
  14. Adobe November Security Update: fixes multiple vulnerabilities in its products
  15. Microsoft Released Security Updates & Fixed More than 60 Vulnerabilities Along with Active Windows Zero day
  16. 63 New Flaws (Including 0-Days) Windows Users Need to Patch Now
  17. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. Adobe Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix known Acrobat flaw
  2. Adobe November Security Update: fixes multiple vulnerabilities in its products


  1. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group


  1. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  2. Don’t fall for fake NEO, Tether and MetaMask cryptocurrency wallets on Google Play
  3. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  4. Key takeaways from Datto’s State of the Channel Ransomware Report 2018


  1. Key takeaways from Datto’s State of the Channel Ransomware Report 2018


  1. Ad-Injecting Mac Malware Rediscovered
  2. A bypass was found by @okta researchers that allows #macOS #malware to pose as @Apple files despite needing to be
  3. Adobe Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix known Acrobat flaw
  4. Researchers recently discovered a new #MacOS #malware that targets #cryptocurrency investors through chat platforms. Discover how this is possible and
  5. Adobe November Security Update: fixes multiple vulnerabilities in its products
  6. Key takeaways from Datto’s State of the Channel Ransomware Report 2018

Threat report for 2018-11-14


  1. 21K Donors Had Their Personal Info Leaked Following Kars4Kids Data Breach
  2. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  3. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  4. Facebook vulnerability could have leaked your private information – again
  5. Cathay Apologizes Over Data Breach but Denies Cover-up
  6. Business Email Compromise - When You Don’t Need to Phish:
  7. Australian Senate extends My Health Record opt-out period
  8. The July edition of Beazley Breach Insights found that business email compromise attacks have been rising steadily. Is business email
  9. Microsoft covertly collects personal data from enterprise Office ProPlus users
  10. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  11. Hunt finally submits to My Health Record arm-twists as opt-out window extended
  12. This year’s success adds to @MWRLabs’ #Pwn2Own existing track record, which includes demo attacks against Chrome.
  13. The @mwrlabs research team used zero-day vulnerabilities to compromise smart phones from Xiaomi and Samsung.
  14. Health Data Breach Exposes Personal Data
  15. Facebook Patches Another Vulnerability That Exposed User’s Private Information
  16. Senate votes to extend My Health Record opt-out to January 31


  1. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean hackers won't nuke your employer into the ground tomorrow
  2. A Large Retailer Responds to #DDoS Extortion: To Pay or Not to Pay?




  1. Did you by chance hack OPM back in 2015? Good news, your password probably still works!
  2. Business Email Compromise - When You Don’t Need to Phish:
  3. Is it time to change your password? Check out this list of the 25 worst passwords for 2018 and make
  4. Support wouldn’t change his password, so he mailed them a bomb
  5. Public get Warning from Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office about a Phishing Email Scam
  6. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme




  1. 'Mylobot' botnet now downloading second-stage malware meant to siphon data
  2. Airlines Have a Big Problem with Bad Bots
  3. A 100k routers around the world are on the botnet to conduct emails spam


  1. 1,000 Bitcoins Ransom Asked from Media Prima After Successful Ransomware Attack
  2. Targeted ransomware attacks – SophosLabs 2019 Threat Report
  3. Ransomware is the leading cyber threat experienced by SMBs
  4. Key takeaways from Datto’s State of the Channel Ransomware Report 2018
  5. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. Bitcoin Giveaway Scam Balloons, with Google the Latest Victim
  2. French Data Protection Authority Issues Guidance on Interaction of Blockchain Technology with GDPR
  3. Cryptojacking, Mobile Malware Growing Threats to the Enterprise
  4. Why cryptojacking malware is a bigger threat to your PC than you realise
  5. Don’t fall for fake NEO, Tether and MetaMask cryptocurrency wallets on Google Play
  6. Researchers recently discovered a new #MacOS #malware that targets #cryptocurrency investors through chat platforms. Discover how this is possible and
  7. Bitcoin fraud on the official Twitter account of Google GSuite


  1. 'Mylobot' botnet now downloading second-stage malware meant to siphon data
  2. FlawedAmmy, the Only RAT in CheckPoint’s Global Threat Index 2018 List
  3. Ad-Injecting Mac Malware Rediscovered
  4. Monitoring file output for malicious code 'could have stopped BA attack more quickly'
  5. It's Amateur Hour In The World Of Spyware And Victims Will Pay The Price
  6. Cryptojacking, Mobile Malware Growing Threats to the Enterprise
  7. A bypass was found by @okta researchers that allows #macOS #malware to pose as @Apple files despite needing to be
  8. Why cryptojacking malware is a bigger threat to your PC than you realise
  9. Researchers recently discovered a new #MacOS #malware that targets #cryptocurrency investors through chat platforms. Discover how this is possible and
  10. Holiday Shopping Tip 1: Inoculate Your Computer You need to protect against malware with regular updates to your anti-virus program and
  11. Researchers demo how machine learning can be used to track Gh0st RAT variants
  12. This remote access trojan just popped up on malware's most wanted list
  13. Do you believe that the application #security vetting process would benefit from the addition of an entropy source?
  14. How does signed software help mitigate malware?
  15. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  16. Cyber security is a process: Prevent, Detect, Respond, Predict. @5ean5ullivan @FSecure @ohjelmisto_ry
  17. Are you safe on social? "Countering the Social Hack" a 5-step process from ZF CEO @FirstNameFoster in @BRINKNewsNow
  18. FlawedAmmy: Dangerous RAT enteres most wanted malware list
  19. Card skimming malware removed from Infowars online store


  1. Chinese APT Group Exploit Fixed Critical Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability On Unpatched Servers
  2. Zero-day Windows exploit fix stars in November Patch Tuesday
  3. A new exploit for zero-day vulnerability CVE-2018-8589
  4. This year’s success adds to @MWRLabs’ #Pwn2Own existing track record, which includes demo attacks against Chrome.


  1. Microsoft Patches RCE Vulnerabilities in Word, Excel, and Windows Search
  2. Siemens Patches Firewall Flaw That Put Operations at Risk
  3. Chinese APT Group Exploit Fixed Critical Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability On Unpatched Servers
  4. Facebook vulnerability could have leaked your private information – again
  5. Cyber espionage group used CVE-2018-8589 Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  6. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  7. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  8. Hackers Taking Over Websites Due to WordPress GDPR Plugin Flaw
  9. November 2018 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes 63 flaws, one actively exploited zero-day
  10. Siemens Releases 7 Advisories for SIMATIC, SCALANCE Vulnerabilities
  11. Adobe Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix known Acrobat flaw
  12. Zero-day Windows exploit fix stars in November Patch Tuesday
  13. Microsoft's Patch Tuesday addresses Zero Day vulnerabilities
  14. Facebook reportedly fixes search bug that could have threatened user privacy
  15. CyberSecurity Asean security alert on A Vulnerability in Cisco Unity Express Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
  16. November Patch Tuesday Fixes Another Zero-Day Win32k Bug, Other Public Vulnerabilities
  17. AVEVA InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Edge HMI Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert
  18. A #bug allowing websites to capture private data from Facebook users through Chrome has been discovered:
  19. Microsoft Patches Windows Zero-Day Exploited in Cyber Attacks
  20. 7 New Meltdown and Spectre-type CPU Flaws Affect Intel, AMD, ARM CPUs
  21. APT Group Uses Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  22. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  23. A new exploit for zero-day vulnerability CVE-2018-8589
  24. Adobe November Security Update: fixes multiple vulnerabilities in its products
  25. Microsoft Released Security Updates & Fixed More than 60 Vulnerabilities Along with Active Windows Zero day
  26. The @mwrlabs research team used zero-day vulnerabilities to compromise smart phones from Xiaomi and Samsung.
  27. Exploits confirmed! Congrats to F-Secure’s @MWRLabs team for another great #Pwn2Own performance. @thezdi
  28. New Press Release: Team from @FSecure's @MWRLabs demos exploits for previously undisclosed vulnerabilities at Mobile #Pwn2Own competition -
  29. Facebook Patches Another Vulnerability That Exposed User’s Private Information
  30. 63 New Flaws (Including 0-Days) Windows Users Need to Patch Now
  31. Confirmed! The @mwrlabs team used a download bug along with a silent app installation to load their custom app and

Region brief for 2018-11-14


  1. 1,000 Bitcoins Ransom Asked from Media Prima After Successful Ransomware Attack
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. Chinese APT Group Exploit Fixed Critical Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability On Unpatched Servers
  6. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  7. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  8. Cathay Apologizes Over Data Breach but Denies Cover-up
  9. Operation FastCash
  10. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  11. AVEVA InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Edge HMI Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert
  12. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  13. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme


  1. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  2. Australian Senate extends My Health Record opt-out period


  1. Did you by chance hack OPM back in 2015? Good news, your password probably still works!
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  6. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  7. AVEVA InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Edge HMI Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert
  8. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  9. A 100k routers around the world are on the botnet to conduct emails spam


  1. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group


  1. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  2. French Data Protection Authority Issues Guidance on Interaction of Blockchain Technology with GDPR
  3. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  6. Monitoring file output for malicious code 'could have stopped BA attack more quickly'
  7. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  8. Infowars Store Affected by Magecart Credit Card Stealing Hack
  9. Alex Jones’ Infowars store was infected with credit card skimming software
  10. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  11. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  2. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak

Sector brief for 2018-11-14


  1. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  2. Australian Senate extends My Health Record opt-out period
  3. Health Data Breach Exposes Personal Data
  4. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. A 100k routers around the world are on the botnet to conduct emails spam


  1. FlawedAmmy, the Only RAT in CheckPoint’s Global Threat Index 2018 List
  2. 1,000 Bitcoins Ransom Asked from Media Prima After Successful Ransomware Attack
  3. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  4. Magecart Cybercrime Groups Harvest Payment Card Data
  5. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  6. Monitoring file output for malicious code 'could have stopped BA attack more quickly'
  7. Operation FastCash
  8. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  9. Infowars Store Affected by Magecart Credit Card Stealing Hack
  10. Alex Jones’ Infowars store was infected with credit card skimming software
  11. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme
  12. Health Data Breach Exposes Personal Data
  13. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. Bitcoin Giveaway Scam Balloons, with Google the Latest Victim
  2. 1,000 Bitcoins Ransom Asked from Media Prima After Successful Ransomware Attack
  3. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  6. Facebook vulnerability could have leaked your private information – again
  7. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  8. Business Email Compromise - When You Don’t Need to Phish:
  9. Is it time to change your password? Check out this list of the 25 worst passwords for 2018 and make
  10. A Large Retailer Responds to #DDoS Extortion: To Pay or Not to Pay?
  11. Microsoft covertly collects personal data from enterprise Office ProPlus users
  12. Facebook reportedly fixes search bug that could have threatened user privacy
  13. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  14. A #bug allowing websites to capture private data from Facebook users through Chrome has been discovered:
  15. Cyber security is a process: Prevent, Detect, Respond, Predict. @5ean5ullivan @FSecure @ohjelmisto_ry
  16. Are you safe on social? "Countering the Social Hack" a 5-step process from ZF CEO @FirstNameFoster in @BRINKNewsNow
  17. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  18. Bitcoin fraud on the official Twitter account of Google GSuite
  19. Exploits confirmed! Congrats to F-Secure’s @MWRLabs team for another great #Pwn2Own performance. @thezdi
  20. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme
  21. New Press Release: Team from @FSecure's @MWRLabs demos exploits for previously undisclosed vulnerabilities at Mobile #Pwn2Own competition -
  22. Facebook Patches Another Vulnerability That Exposed User’s Private Information
  23. A 100k routers around the world are on the botnet to conduct emails spam
  24. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware








  1. Did you by chance hack OPM back in 2015? Good news, your password probably still works!
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. Cyber espionage group used CVE-2018-8589 Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  4. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  5. CyberSecurity Asean security alert on A Vulnerability in Cisco Unity Express Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
  6. Hunt finally submits to My Health Record arm-twists as opt-out window extended
  7. Health Data Breach Exposes Personal Data
  8. Senate votes to extend My Health Record opt-out to January 31

Daily brief for 2018-11-14


  1. 1,000 Bitcoins Ransom Asked from Media Prima After Successful Ransomware Attack
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. Chinese APT Group Exploit Fixed Critical Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability On Unpatched Servers
  6. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  7. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  8. Cathay Apologizes Over Data Breach but Denies Cover-up
  9. Operation FastCash
  10. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  11. AVEVA InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Edge HMI Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert
  12. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  13. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme


  1. Did you by chance hack OPM back in 2015? Good news, your password probably still works!
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. French Data Protection Authority Issues Guidance on Interaction of Blockchain Technology with GDPR
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  6. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  7. Monitoring file output for malicious code 'could have stopped BA attack more quickly'
  8. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  9. Infowars Store Affected by Magecart Credit Card Stealing Hack
  10. Australian Senate extends My Health Record opt-out period
  11. Alex Jones’ Infowars store was infected with credit card skimming software
  12. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  13. AVEVA InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Edge HMI Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert
  14. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  15. A 100k routers around the world are on the botnet to conduct emails spam
  16. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. 21K Donors Had Their Personal Info Leaked Following Kars4Kids Data Breach
  2. Did you by chance hack OPM back in 2015? Good news, your password probably still works!
  3. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  4. Google services collapsed due to BGP leak
  5. Facebook vulnerability could have leaked your private information – again
  6. Cathay Apologizes Over Data Breach but Denies Cover-up
  7. Business Email Compromise - When You Don’t Need to Phish:
  8. Is it time to change your password? Check out this list of the 25 worst passwords for 2018 and make
  9. Australian Senate extends My Health Record opt-out period
  10. Support wouldn’t change his password, so he mailed them a bomb
  11. The July edition of Beazley Breach Insights found that business email compromise attacks have been rising steadily. Is business email
  12. Microsoft covertly collects personal data from enterprise Office ProPlus users
  13. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  14. Hunt finally submits to My Health Record arm-twists as opt-out window extended
  15. This year’s success adds to @MWRLabs’ #Pwn2Own existing track record, which includes demo attacks against Chrome.
  16. The @mwrlabs research team used zero-day vulnerabilities to compromise smart phones from Xiaomi and Samsung.
  17. Public get Warning from Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office about a Phishing Email Scam
  18. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme
  19. Health Data Breach Exposes Personal Data
  20. Facebook Patches Another Vulnerability That Exposed User’s Private Information
  21. Senate votes to extend My Health Record opt-out to January 31


  1. 'Mylobot' botnet now downloading second-stage malware meant to siphon data
  2. FlawedAmmy, the Only RAT in CheckPoint’s Global Threat Index 2018 List
  3. Bitcoin Giveaway Scam Balloons, with Google the Latest Victim
  4. Microsoft Patches RCE Vulnerabilities in Word, Excel, and Windows Search
  5. 1,000 Bitcoins Ransom Asked from Media Prima After Successful Ransomware Attack
  6. Ad-Injecting Mac Malware Rediscovered
  7. French Data Protection Authority Issues Guidance on Interaction of Blockchain Technology with GDPR
  8. Siemens Patches Firewall Flaw That Put Operations at Risk
  9. Chinese APT Group Exploit Fixed Critical Adobe ColdFusion Vulnerability On Unpatched Servers
  10. Facebook vulnerability could have leaked your private information – again
  11. Cyber espionage group used CVE-2018-8589 Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  12. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  13. How Threat Intelligence Prioritizes Risk in Vulnerability Management
  14. Monitoring file output for malicious code 'could have stopped BA attack more quickly'
  15. Hackers Taking Over Websites Due to WordPress GDPR Plugin Flaw
  16. November 2018 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes 63 flaws, one actively exploited zero-day
  17. It's Amateur Hour In The World Of Spyware And Victims Will Pay The Price
  18. Cryptojacking, Mobile Malware Growing Threats to the Enterprise
  19. A bypass was found by @okta researchers that allows #macOS #malware to pose as @Apple files despite needing to be
  20. Siemens Releases 7 Advisories for SIMATIC, SCALANCE Vulnerabilities
  21. Targeted ransomware attacks – SophosLabs 2019 Threat Report
  22. Why cryptojacking malware is a bigger threat to your PC than you realise
  23. Adobe Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix known Acrobat flaw
  24. Don’t fall for fake NEO, Tether and MetaMask cryptocurrency wallets on Google Play
  25. Researchers recently discovered a new #MacOS #malware that targets #cryptocurrency investors through chat platforms. Discover how this is possible and
  26. Zero-day Windows exploit fix stars in November Patch Tuesday
  27. Holiday Shopping Tip 1: Inoculate Your Computer You need to protect against malware with regular updates to your anti-virus program and
  28. Researchers demo how machine learning can be used to track Gh0st RAT variants
  29. This remote access trojan just popped up on malware's most wanted list
  30. Microsoft's Patch Tuesday addresses Zero Day vulnerabilities
  31. Do you believe that the application #security vetting process would benefit from the addition of an entropy source?
  32. Facebook reportedly fixes search bug that could have threatened user privacy
  33. How does signed software help mitigate malware?
  34. CyberSecurity Asean security alert on A Vulnerability in Cisco Unity Express Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
  35. November Patch Tuesday Fixes Another Zero-Day Win32k Bug, Other Public Vulnerabilities
  36. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  37. AVEVA InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Edge HMI Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert
  38. A #bug allowing websites to capture private data from Facebook users through Chrome has been discovered:
  39. Microsoft Patches Windows Zero-Day Exploited in Cyber Attacks
  40. Cyber security is a process: Prevent, Detect, Respond, Predict. @5ean5ullivan @FSecure @ohjelmisto_ry
  41. Are you safe on social? "Countering the Social Hack" a 5-step process from ZF CEO @FirstNameFoster in @BRINKNewsNow
  42. 7 New Meltdown and Spectre-type CPU Flaws Affect Intel, AMD, ARM CPUs
  43. APT Group Uses Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  44. Facebook flaw could have exposed private info of users and their friends
  45. A new exploit for zero-day vulnerability CVE-2018-8589
  46. Bitcoin fraud on the official Twitter account of Google GSuite
  47. Adobe November Security Update: fixes multiple vulnerabilities in its products
  48. Microsoft Released Security Updates & Fixed More than 60 Vulnerabilities Along with Active Windows Zero day
  49. Ransomware is the leading cyber threat experienced by SMBs
  50. FlawedAmmy: Dangerous RAT enteres most wanted malware list
  51. The @mwrlabs research team used zero-day vulnerabilities to compromise smart phones from Xiaomi and Samsung.
  52. Exploits confirmed! Congrats to F-Secure’s @MWRLabs team for another great #Pwn2Own performance. @thezdi
  53. New Press Release: Team from @FSecure's @MWRLabs demos exploits for previously undisclosed vulnerabilities at Mobile #Pwn2Own competition -
  54. Facebook Patches Another Vulnerability That Exposed User’s Private Information
  55. Key takeaways from Datto’s State of the Channel Ransomware Report 2018
  56. 63 New Flaws (Including 0-Days) Windows Users Need to Patch Now
  57. Card skimming malware removed from Infowars online store
  58. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware
  59. Confirmed! The @mwrlabs team used a download bug along with a silent app installation to load their custom app and


  1. Bitcoin Giveaway Scam Balloons, with Google the Latest Victim
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. Magecart Cybercrime Groups Harvest Payment Card Data
  4. French Data Protection Authority Issues Guidance on Interaction of Blockchain Technology with GDPR
  5. Operation FastCash
  6. Business Email Compromise - When You Don’t Need to Phish:
  7. Magecart- The Card-Skimming Group and Its Many Faces
  8. A Large Retailer Responds to #DDoS Extortion: To Pay or Not to Pay?
  9. Australian Senate extends My Health Record opt-out period
  10. The July edition of Beazley Breach Insights found that business email compromise attacks have been rising steadily. Is business email
  11. Beers with Talos Ep. #41: Sex, money and malware
  12. Bitcoin fraud on the official Twitter account of Google GSuite
  13. Adobe November Security Update: fixes multiple vulnerabilities in its products
  14. Public get Warning from Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office about a Phishing Email Scam
  15. BDO Unibank Warned its Customers to Remain Beware from New Phishing Scheme
  16. Health Data Breach Exposes Personal Data
  17. Big Game Hunting: The Evolution of INDRIK SPIDER From Dridex Wire Fraud to BitPaymer Targeted Ransomware


  1. FlawedAmmy, the Only RAT in CheckPoint’s Global Threat Index 2018 List
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Adobe ColdFusion Servers Under Attack from APT Group
  3. Cyber espionage group used CVE-2018-8589 Windows Zero-Day in Middle East Attacks
  4. CVE-2018-15961: Adobe ColdFusion Flaw exploited in attacks in the wild
  5. Alex Jones’ Infowars store was infected with credit card skimming software

APT report for 2018-11-13


  1. Magecart Cybercrime Groups Mass Harvest Payment Card Data
  2. Seven Hacking Groups Operate Under “Magecart” Umbrella, Analysis Shows
  3. That Domain You Forgot to Renew? Yeah, it’s Now Stealing Credit Cards
  4. Getting to Know Magecart: An Inside Look at 7 Groups
  5. How Magecart groups are stealing your card details from online stores
  6. Inside Magecart: RiskIQ and Flashpoint Release Comprehensive Report on the Assault on E-Commerce
  7. ‘Inside Magecart’ Exposes the Operation Behind the Web’s Biggest E-Commerce Scourge
  8. #Gallmaker eschews custom malware, uses living off the land and publicly available #hack tools. Find out more:
  9. Compromised security in millions of cards in the US


  1. Chinese Threat Actor TEMP.Periscope Targets UK-Based Engineering Company Using Russian APT Techniques




  1. The Tactic Cybercriminals Use to Steal Bitcoin
























  1. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord endorses the Paris Call
  2. Chinese Threat Actor TEMP.Periscope Targets UK-Based Engineering Company Using Russian APT Techniques




  1. Chinese Threat Actor TEMP.Periscope Targets UK-Based Engineering Company Using Russian APT Techniques

Platform report for 2018-11-13


  1. Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix actively exploited Windows flaw
  2. Microsoft Patches Zero-Day Bug in Win7, Server 2008 and 2008 R2
  3. Microsoft Patches Actively Exploited Windows Vulnerability
  4. Microsoft patches Windows zero-day used by multiple cyber-espionage groups
  5. XSS Vulnerability in Evernote Allows Local File Execution
  6. Microsoft November 2018 Patch Tuesday Fixes 12 Critical Vulnerabilities
  7. Chinese Threat Actor TEMP.Periscope Targets UK-Based Engineering Company Using Russian APT Techniques
  8. Cryptocurrency Mining Malware uses Various Evasion Techniques.
  9. Microsoft Patch Tuesday — November 2018: Vulnerability disclosures and Snort coverage
  10. The Tactic Cybercriminals Use to Steal Bitcoin
  11. WebCobra Malware Uses Victims’ Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency
  12. WebCobra Malware Uses Victims’ Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency
  13. Leak: Windows 10 October Update will be re-launched tomorrow


  1. The Tactic Cybercriminals Use to Steal Bitcoin




  1. Fake Crypto Wallet Apps Discovered in Google Play, Built Using Drag-n-Drop
  2. Unpatched Android OS Flaw Allows Adversaries to Track User Location
  3. Call Recorder App on Google Play with Over 5,000 Installs Contains Hidden Malware Dropper




  1. The Tactic Cybercriminals Use to Steal Bitcoin

Threat report for 2018-11-13


  1. Cathay Pacific In Hot Water: Data Breach Started March 2018, Not October 2018
  2. Cathay Says 'Most Intense' Period of Data Breach Lasted Months
  3. Nordstrom Reveals Data Breach, Sensitive Employee Information Exposed
  4. Nordstrom Data Breach Exposes Employee Information
  5. Nordstrom Quick to Tell Employees of a Data Breach
  6. Former Employee Accessed Medical Records For Nearly a Year
  7. Sophisticated cyber-espionage campaign targeting Pakistani government and air force
  8. Dropbox Account Phishing Campaign
  9. The Ontario Cannabis Store has reported a data breach that took place Nov. 1 through the Canada Post and affected
  10. Another Facebook Bug Could Have Exposed Your Private Information
  11. Google Services down due to BGP leak, traffic hijacked through Russia, China, and Nigeria
  12. Sophisticated Campaign Targets Pakistan's Air Force
  13. Google Services Inaccessible Due to BGP Leak
  14. Beware !! Worlds Most Active Malware Emotet Launching New Campaign With Malicious Word and PDF Attachments
  15. Compromised security in millions of cards in the US
  16. Leak: Windows 10 October Update will be re-launched tomorrow




  1. Malvertising is what happens when attackers buy ad space in popular, legit websites and load them with ads infected by


  1. Why Gen Z has the most dangerous password practices
  2. Dropbox Account Phishing Campaign
  3. Password manager: 85% want their password to be protected against hackers
  4. How did @Google eliminate successful #PhishingAttacks? Learn how employees used U2F authentication and physical #SecurityKeys to defend against phishing from
  5. To help you rule out the worst password ideas, FrontNet has put together a list of the 25 words passwords




  1. Security cameras – a latent botnet network?
  2. A new #botnet -- #Mylobot -- has shown new, complex levels of tools and techniques that are subsequently altering botnet
  3. New #spam #botnet infected over 100,000 home routers through a UPnP vulnerability, according to researchers at @360Netlab. By @MaddieBacon11
  4. How does the Mylobot botnet differ from a typical botnet?


  1. What MSPs can learn from Datto’s Channel Ransomware Report
  2. Premier Media Conglomerate of Malaysia, Falls for Ransomware Infection
  3. Why WannaCry ransomware is still a threat to your PC
  4. Ransomware no. 1 cyberthreat to SMBs, and the average attack costs $47K
  5. Ransomware Attack on City of Muscatine Shutdown Several Servers


  1. Fake Crypto Wallet Apps Discovered in Google Play, Built Using Drag-n-Drop
  2. Target and other high profile Twitter accounts exploited for cryptocurrency scams
  3. Cryptocurrency Mining Malware uses Various Evasion Techniques.
  4. The Tactic Cybercriminals Use to Steal Bitcoin
  5. Attacker hijacks Elon Musk Twitter account to implement fake bitcoin fraud
  6. Data61 and CBA demonstrate blockchain welfare payments
  7. WebCobra Malware Uses Victims’ Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency
  8. WebCobra Malware Uses Victims’ Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency
  9. Illegal cryptocurrency mining
  10. Twitter grapples with fake Elon Musk accounts promoting bitcoin scams


  1. Triton ICS Malware
  2. Scare Force: Pakistan military hit by Operation Shaheen malware
  3. Pakistan Military Hit By Operation Shaheen Malware
  4. That Domain You Forgot to Renew? Yeah, it’s Now Stealing Credit Cards
  5. What’s on Our Minds for 2019? Key Themes from the RSA Speaker Selection Process
  6. It’s Amateur Hour in the World of Spyware and Victims Will Pay the Price
  7. Cryptocurrency Mining Malware uses Various Evasion Techniques.
  8. Call Recorder App on Google Play with Over 5,000 Installs Contains Hidden Malware Dropper
  9. #Gallmaker eschews custom malware, uses living off the land and publicly available #hack tools. Find out more:
  10. Using Machine Learning to Cluster Malicious Network Flows From Gh0st RAT Variants
  11. How is Plead #malware used for #cyberespionage attacks? Learn more with Michael Cobb of @thehairyITdog.
  12. U.S. Cyber Command #malware samples will be shared to #VirusTotal by the Cyber National Mission Force and one expert said
  13. Beware !! Worlds Most Active Malware Emotet Launching New Campaign With Malicious Word and PDF Attachments
  14. WebCobra Malware Uses Victims’ Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency
  15. WebCobra Malware Uses Victims’ Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency
  16. 12 Warning Signs That Help Identify Malware Infection


  1. Attackers exploit flaw in GDPR-themed WordPress plugin to hijack websites
  2. Ruby taken off the rails by deserialization exploit
  3. Attackers exploit GDPR compliance plug-in for WordPress


  1. Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday updates for November 2018 fix actively exploited Windows flaw
  2. Microsoft Patches Zero-Day Bug in Win7, Server 2008 and 2008 R2
  3. Microsoft Patches Actively Exploited Windows Vulnerability
  4. Fixed Facebook Privacy Bug Could Have Allowed Bad Actors to Steal Personal Info
  5. Microsoft patches Windows zero-day used by multiple cyber-espionage groups
  6. Adobe Patches Disclosed Acrobat Vulnerability
  7. SAP Patches Critical Vulnerability in HANA Streaming Analytics
  8. Facebook flaw opened your profile to data thieves
  9. Adobe Releases Security Update for Acrobat Vulnerability with Public PoC
  10. Unpatched Android OS Flaw Allows Adversaries to Track User Location
  11. Microsoft Patch Tuesday Recap: 12 Critical Bugs Fixed
  12. Adobe Fixes Acrobat and Reader Flaw With Publicly-Available PoC
  13. Facebook Patches Another User Data Harvesting Bug
  14. XSS Vulnerability in Evernote Allows Local File Execution
  15. Vulnerabilities in Solid-State Drives Can Be Exploited to Decrypt Data
  16. Side-Channel Vulnerability Could Be Exploited to Steal Data
  17. Zero-Day Vulnerability in Cisco Products Could Cause DoS Condition
  18. Attackers exploit flaw in GDPR-themed WordPress plugin to hijack websites
  19. Facebook Bug Let Websites Access Private User Data
  20. Microsoft November 2018 Patch Tuesday Fixes 12 Critical Vulnerabilities
  21. Facebook patches another bug that could have allowed mass-harvesting of user data
  22. Microsoft Patch Tuesday — November 2018: Vulnerability disclosures and Snort coverage
  23. Another Facebook Bug Could Have Exposed Your Private Information
  24. New #spam #botnet infected over 100,000 home routers through a UPnP vulnerability, according to researchers at @360Netlab. By @MaddieBacon11
  25. Microsoft Word Doc bug using online video feature found in wild
  26. Check Point Researchers Reported Vulnerabilities in Market-Leading Drone Platform, Enabling Manufacturer to Bolster Security
  27. Zero Day vulnerability in VirtualBox is disclosed