Oct 4, 2018

Sector brief for 2018-10-03


  1. Women in Information Security: Pam Armstrong
  2. Gwinnett Medical Center Investigates Possible Data Breach
  3. Gwinnett Medical Center investigates possible data breach
  4. TA18-276B: Advanced Persistent Threat Activity Exploiting Managed Service Providers
  5. Ransomware operators breach 40.000+ records from Fetal Diagnostic Institute of the Pacific


  1. Ransomware Hits Port of San Diego


  1. Hidden Cobra APT used the new ATM cash-out scheme FASTCash to hit banks worldwide
  2. 3 types of attacks with ransomware: Cyber-theft, extortion, and sabotage
  3. FireEye unmasks a new North Korean threat group
  4. APT38: Details on New North Korean Regime-Backed Threat Group
  5. Banking trojans, not #ransomware, are the biggest threat to the enterprise now.
  6. Labeless Part 5: How to Decrypt Strings in Boleto Banking Malware Without Reconstructing Decryption Algorithm.
  7. TA18-276B: Advanced Persistent Threat Activity Exploiting Managed Service Providers
  8. Ransomware operators breach 40.000+ records from Fetal Diagnostic Institute of the Pacific
  9. Weekly Threat Briefing: Cobalt Threat Group Serves Up SpicyOmelette Fresh Bank Attacks
  10. New Danabot Banking Malware campaign now targets banks in the U.S.
  11. 100,000-Plus Home Routers Hijacked in Campaign to Steal Banking Credentials
  12. GhostDNS hijacked 100,000 router traffic directed to phishing sites
  13. Dark Web Malware Builder Allow Attackers To Create Malware That Steals Passwords & Credit Card Data
  14. IDG Contributor Network: Will your company be valued by its price-to-data ratio?
  15. Z-LAB Report – Analyzing the GandCrab v5 ransomware
  16. Bank Servers Hacked to Trick ATMs into Spitting Out Millions in Cash
  17. North Korean HIDDEN COBRA Hackers Using New Attack Called “FASTCash” to Cash-out From ATM Machine
  18. New Betabot campaign under the microscope
  19. Enormous botnet used to hijack traffic destined for Brazilian banks
  20. BYOB – Build Your Own Botnet
  21. What is the future of authentication? Hint: It’s not passwords, passphrases or MFA
  22. Norton by Symantec Urges Consumers to Help Protect Their Personal Data
  23. DanaBot Observed in Large Campaign Targeting U.S. Organizations


  1. Virus Bulletin 2018: Microsoft’s Lambert on How Cloud is Changing Security
  2. The ultimate fallout from the Facebook data breach could be massive
  3. Phishing gets more complex as decoy PDF pops up with Microsoft-issued SSL certificate
  4. Instagram accounts frozen with ransomware | Avast
  5. Instagram accounts frozen with ransomware | Avast
  6. Vulnerability Spotlight: Google PDFium JBIG2 Image ComposeToOpt2WithRect Information Disclosure Vulnerability
  7. Do you know the top myths and facts of #mobile #phishing? If not, don't worry, we've compiled a list of
  8. Google Taking New Steps To Prevent Malicious Chrome Extensions
  9. Instagram Used as Marketplace to Sell Stolen Fortnite Accounts and Botnets
  10. 18 Vulnerabilities Found in Foxit PDF Reader
  11. Phishing Attack Impersonates Law Firm
  12. Phishing Attack Uses Azure Blob Storage to Impersonate Microsoft
  13. Hacked Fortnite accounts and rent-a-botnet being pushed on Instagram
  14. 18 Vulnerabilities Found in Foxit PDF Reader
  15. TA18-276B: Advanced Persistent Threat Activity Exploiting Managed Service Providers
  16. Phishing Attack Impersonates Law Firm
  17. TA18-276A: Using Rigorous Credential Control to Mitigate Trusted Network Exploitation
  18. Facebook Reveals That Trio of Bugs Led to Data Breach
  19. Weekly Threat Briefing: Cobalt Threat Group Serves Up SpicyOmelette Fresh Bank Attacks
  20. New Danabot Banking Malware campaign now targets banks in the U.S.
  21. GhostDNS hijacked 100,000 router traffic directed to phishing sites
  22. Recipe Unlimited denies ransomware attack, despite alleged ransom note
  23. IDG Contributor Network: Will your company be valued by its price-to-data ratio?
  24. Introducing... THE HUNT: A Cyber Attack in the Process Industry
  25. Vulnerability Spotlight: Google PDFium JBIG2 Image ComposeToOpt2WithRect Information Disclosure Vulnerability
  26. Researchers associated the recently discovered NOKKI Malware to North Korean APT
  27. .@Lookout’s @VijayaKaza is at @FedNewsRadio’s studio recording with @gschumm!
  28. Hackers Use Instagram For Selling Stolen ‘Fortnite’ Accounts And Botnets
  29. CyberSecurity Asean security alert on A Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows JET Database Engine Could Allow for Remote Code Execution
  30. Preventing and Detecting Malicious Insiders
  31. Facebook faces legal actions after data breach
  32. Enormous botnet used to hijack traffic destined for Brazilian banks
  33. The @activereach guide to #DDoS, is aimed at technically aware business people who do not necessarily have a background in
  34. Norton by Symantec Urges Consumers to Help Protect Their Personal Data
  35. In 1999, AV-TEST reported that there were 98,428 total unique malware samples. Today, AV-TEST registers over 350,000 new pieces of
  36. Heipparallaa! Uudessa jaksossamme sivuutamme ajankohtaiset aiheet ja keskitymme puhumaan @japi999 ja @ekoivune kanssa tietoturva-asiantuntijuudesta. Bonusvieraana tällä kertaa OpSecin sijaan @Larppa1337!


Nothing to report


Nothing to report


  1. TA18-276B: Advanced Persistent Threat Activity Exploiting Managed Service Providers
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Cobalt Threat Group Serves Up SpicyOmelette Fresh Bank Attacks


Nothing to report