Oct 4, 2018

Platform report for 2018-10-03


  1. Windows 10 October 2018 Update refines ransomware protection
  2. Hidden Cobra APT used the new ATM cash-out scheme FASTCash to hit banks worldwide
  3. [SingCERT] Alert on 47 Critical Vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader
  4. Update now: Adobe fixes 85 serious flaws in Acrobat and Reader
  5. Labeless Part 6: How to Resolve Obfuscated API Calls in the Ngioweb Proxy Malware
  6. TA18-276B: Advanced Persistent Threat Activity Exploiting Managed Service Providers
  7. TA18-276A: Using Rigorous Credential Control to Mitigate Trusted Network Exploitation
  8. Weekly Threat Briefing: Cobalt Threat Group Serves Up SpicyOmelette Fresh Bank Attacks
  9. Ransomware Hits Port of San Diego
  10. CyberSecurity Asean security alert on A Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows JET Database Engine Could Allow for Remote Code Execution
  11. Mozilla Firefox 62.0.3 releases: Fixed hangs on macOS Mojave & security bugs


Nothing to report


  1. Hidden Cobra APT used the new ATM cash-out scheme FASTCash to hit banks worldwide


  1. FakeSpy Is Back as Part of New SmiShing Campaign, Adds New Features
  2. Weekly Threat Briefing: Cobalt Threat Group Serves Up SpicyOmelette Fresh Bank Attacks
  3. Cheap Android Phones and Poor Quality Control Leads to Malware Surprise


  1. Apple iOS 12 Texting Bug Sends Messages To Wrong Contacts


  1. Virus Bulletin 2018: macOS Flaw Allows Attackers to Hijack Installed Apps
  2. The one serious MacBook Pro security flaw that nobody is talking about
  3. Weekly Threat Briefing: Cobalt Threat Group Serves Up SpicyOmelette Fresh Bank Attacks
  4. Mozilla Firefox 62.0.3 releases: Fixed hangs on macOS Mojave & security bugs