Nov 10, 2018

Region brief for 2018-11-09


  1. U.S. Air Force announced Hack the Air Force 3.0, the third Bug Bounty Program
  2. VMware releases security patches for a critical virtual machine escape flaw
  3. VMware Patches VM Escape Flaw Disclosed at Chinese Hacking Contest
  4. Chinese headmaster fired after setting up his own secret cryptomining rig at school
  5. Chinese headmaster fired after setting up his own secret cryptomining rig at school
  6. Playbook Fridays: Domain Spinning Workbench Spaces App
  7. A new spam #botnet took advantage of a UPnP vulnerability to infect over 100,000 home routers in India, China and
  8. South Korean Hackers Arrested for Infecting Cryto Mining Malware
  9. Phishing Attempts Soar to 137 Million in Q3
  10. Phishing now possible by exploiting online video function vulnerability in Word
  11. Snowden speaks about the role of surveillance firm NSO Group in Khashoggi murder
  12. BCMPUPnP_Hunter Botnet infected 400k routers to turn them in email spammers
  13. Exposed data of nearly 700k American Express India customers
  14. Hack the Air Force 3.0 – New vulnerability bounty program
  15. Nearly 700,000 Plaintext Records of American Express India Customers Personal Info Exposed Online




  1. U.S. Air Force announced Hack the Air Force 3.0, the third Bug Bounty Program
  2. Koadic: Security Defense in the Age of LoL Malware, Part IV
  3. 'DerpTroll' derps into plea deal, admits DDoS attacks on EA, Steam, Sony game servers
  4. Bug Bounty Hunter Ran ISP Doxing Service
  5. VMware releases security patches for a critical virtual machine escape flaw
  6. The Pentagon is Publishing Foreign Nation-State Malware
  7. Advanced tools: Process Hacker
  8. This Week in Security News: Fake Apps & Malicious Bots
  9. Chinese headmaster fired after setting up his own secret cryptomining rig at school
  10. Playbook Fridays: Domain Spinning Workbench Spaces App
  11. A new spam #botnet took advantage of a UPnP vulnerability to infect over 100,000 home routers in India, China and
  12. Canada Post leaks sensitive information of thousands of cannabis buyers
  13. Phishing Attempts Soar to 137 Million in Q3
  14. Sony DDoS-er 'DerpTrolling' Pleads Guilty
  15. D93 staff accounts compromised through a phishing scam
  16. Snowden speaks about the role of surveillance firm NSO Group in Khashoggi murder
  17. Canadian Uni Shutters Network After Cryptomining Attack
  18. US Air Force invites white hats to find hackable flaws, again
  19. BCMPUPnP_Hunter Botnet infected 400k routers to turn them in email spammers
  20. VirusTotal and USCyberCom Join Forces To Identify Malware
  21. Exposed data of nearly 700k American Express India customers
  22. Hack the Air Force 3.0 – New vulnerability bounty program
  23. Nearly 700,000 Plaintext Records of American Express India Customers Personal Info Exposed Online
  24. U.S. Cyber Command #malware samples will be shared to #VirusTotal by the Cyber National Mission Force and one expert said




  1. U.S. Air Force announced Hack the Air Force 3.0, the third Bug Bounty Program
  2. Stealthy Crypto-Mining Malware Evades Detection
  3. Infosec Problems For 2019 and Beyond: Patching, Bug Bounties and Hype
  4. Inception Attackers Target Europe with Year-old Office Vulnerability
  5. Chinese headmaster fired after setting up his own secret cryptomining rig at school
  6. Playbook Fridays: Domain Spinning Workbench Spaces App
  7. Flaws in Roche Medical Devices Can Put Patients at Risk
  8. Phishing Attempts Soar to 137 Million in Q3
  9. Guy Fawkes Day – LulzSec Italy hit numerous organizations in Italy
  10. Hack the Air Force 3.0 – New vulnerability bounty program
  11. Hackers hide malware in the Windows installation files to mine cryptocurrency

