Nov 18, 2018

Daily brief for 2018-11-17


  1. 8 Cybersecurity Prediction for 2019
  2. Emotet Banking Trojan Family Re-emerges, Taps Malicious PDF/Doc Files to Spread
  3. Despite early speculation, experts concluded the BGP route leak that sent Google traffic through China and Russia was due to


  1. Million password resets and 2FA codes exposed in unsecured Vovox DB
  2. 8 Cybersecurity Prediction for 2019
  3. News of the Week: November 17, 2018
  4. 'Unjustifiably excessive': Not even London cops can follow law with their rubbish gang database
  5. Emotet Banking Trojan Family Re-emerges, Taps Malicious PDF/Doc Files to Spread
  6. Despite early speculation, experts concluded the BGP route leak that sent Google traffic through China and Russia was due to


  1. Million password resets and 2FA codes exposed in unsecured Vovox DB
  2. Amarillo City Workers PII Compromised
  3. The @Trezor #cryptocurrency wallet service was recently targeted in a #phishing campaign against users. Learn how traffic was hijacked and
  4. 'Unjustifiably excessive': Not even London cops can follow law with their rubbish gang database
  5. SPOILER: These are not good password tricks.
  6. Despite early speculation, experts concluded the BGP route leak that sent Google traffic through China and Russia was due to


  1. 4 Effective Ways on How to Prevent Cryptocurrency Mining Infection
  2. Children’s Smartwatch Vulnerability Allows Hackers To Stalk and Talk To Your Kids
  3. Windows 10 October Update Brings Back Old Mapped Drives Bug
  4. The @Trezor #cryptocurrency wallet service was recently targeted in a #phishing campaign against users. Learn how traffic was hijacked and
  5. GandCrab Ransomware: Cat-and-Mouse Game Continues
  6. #Cyberespionage hackers have used stolen #DigitalCertificates to steal data. Expert Michael Cobb of @thehairyITdog explains how hackers sign Plead
  7. Emotet Banking Trojan Family Re-emerges, Taps Malicious PDF/Doc Files to Spread
  8. Misconfigurations on Docker services allow cryptojacking attacks


  1. 4 Effective Ways on How to Prevent Cryptocurrency Mining Infection
  2. 8 Cybersecurity Prediction for 2019
  3. #Cyberespionage hackers have used stolen #DigitalCertificates to steal data. Expert Michael Cobb of @thehairyITdog explains how hackers sign Plead


  1. 8 Cybersecurity Prediction for 2019
  2. #Cyberespionage hackers have used stolen #DigitalCertificates to steal data. Expert Michael Cobb of @thehairyITdog explains how hackers sign Plead