Oct 10, 2018

Sector brief for 2018-10-09


  1. DHS issued an alert on attacks aimed at Managed Service Providers
  2. Sunsets for Google Plus after Reports of Data Breach


  1. Heathrow Airport fined £120,000 over USB data breach debacle


  1. Panda Banker Trojan becomes part of Emotet threat distribution platform
  2. Amazon acknowledges that the company’s employees leaked user information to the seller
  3. The Magecart Seal of Approval: Card-Skimming Group Executes Scaled Supply Chain Attack on Shopper Approved
  4. Magecart group compromises customer ratings tool, affecting 'hundreds' of online stores
  5. Phishing Campaign uses Hijacked Emails to Deliver URSNIF by Replying to Ongoing Threads
  6. New Domains: A Wide-Open Playing Field for Cybercrime
  7. Magecart Group Compromises Plugin Used in Thousands of Stores, Makes Rookie Mistake
  8. Active Workload Protection on Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate
  9. Police Warned that Phishing Text Messages are Used to Target the Bank Customers
  10. Sunsets for Google Plus after Reports of Data Breach


  1. How does #FacexWorm #malware use @Facebook Messenger to spread? Learn more about this new malware with expert @lewisnic.
  2. The Magecart Seal of Approval: Card-Skimming Group Executes Scaled Supply Chain Attack on Shopper Approved
  3. As a way to inch forward in the battle of default passwords, California has passed a law that will make
  4. Phishing Campaign uses Hijacked Emails to Deliver URSNIF by Replying to Ongoing Threads
  5. Formjacking attacks are on the rise, with the recent #Magecart attacks the most notable examples. @Symantec has blocked almost 250,000
  6. Google+ Shuts Down Following Undisclosed Data Breach
  7. Phishing attacks use Azure Blob storage to simulate Microsoft
  8. The end of Google+: Low usage and an API bug that exposed user data
  9. 33,000 Accounting Inbox Credentials Exposed Online: BEC Made Easy. Read the full blog here:
  10. For @5ean5ullivan, a security adviser at cyber firm F-Secure, a campaign’s cyber protections boil down to education — making sure
  11. Google has made the decision to shut down much of its #GooglePlus social network following the disclosure of vulnerable data.
  12. On our new #CyberSauna podcast: Find out how F-Secure's @nxsolle and Pasi Saarinen discovered a flaw that allows attackers to get
  13. Hacked #Fortnite accounts and rent-a-botnet being pushed on
  14. Hackers Targeting Instagram Accounts of Influential Profiles for Ransom in a Recent Campaign
  15. one more reason to not use Facebook login everywhere, no matter how convenient it is.
  16. Sunsets for Google Plus after Reports of Data Breach
  17. Using web phishing, criminals have managed to steal $3.7 million (251 million rubles), which is 6% more than in the
  18. Comienza en MoscĂș #CyberCrimeCon —el gran encuentro mundial sobre cibercrimen y ciberterrorismo— y de lo primero que hablan es de
  19. Oh no, looks like we can't trust our data with Google either "Google hid major Google+ security flaw that exposed
  20. #Ransomware Survival Guide: 10 things to know before, during, and after an attack:






  1. DHS issued an alert on attacks aimed at Managed Service Providers
  2. Phishing Campaign uses Hijacked Emails to Deliver URSNIF by Replying to Ongoing Threads


  1. APT28 group return to covert intelligence gathering ops in Europe and South America.