Oct 12, 2018

Platform report for 2018-10-11


  1. Exaramel Malware Links Industroyer ICS malware and NotPetya wiper
  2. Cybersecurity Authorities Issue Alert About Publicly Available Hacking Tools
  3. PoC Code Available for Microsoft Edge Remote Code Execution Bug
  4. AA18-284A: Publicly Available Tools Seen in Cyber Incidents Worldwide
  5. Researchers link tools used in NotPetya and Ukraine grid hacks
  6. Fake Flash Updaters Push Cryptocurrency Miners
  7. Adobe patches critical flaws in many of its software offerings
  8. Qihoo 360’s precise analysis of ransomware for September
  9. Microsoft October Patch Tuesday fixed Win32k privilege vulnerability that used in targeted attacks
  10. New Gallmaker APT group eschews malware in cyber espionage campaigns
  11. GPlayed Trojan - .Net playing with Google Market
  12. Avast 2019: Extends Artificial Intelligence Technology to Block Advanced Phishing Attacks for Enhanced Consumer Security
  13. JSRAT – Secret Command and Control Channel Backdoor to Control Victims Machine Using JavaScript


  1. Exaramel Malware Links Industroyer ICS malware and NotPetya wiper
  2. AA18-284A: Publicly Available Tools Seen in Cyber Incidents Worldwide
  3. Adobe patches critical flaws in many of its software offerings
  4. JSRAT – Secret Command and Control Channel Backdoor to Control Victims Machine Using JavaScript




  1. GPlayed Android Trojan Can Wipe Your Device, Steal Data, Make Calls, Send SMS
  2. Adaptable, All-in-One Android Trojan Shows the Future of Malware
  3. Talos: Android trojan resembling Play Store installs sophisticated spyware
  4. AA18-284A: Publicly Available Tools Seen in Cyber Incidents Worldwide
  5. GPlayed trojan – .Net playing with Google Market
  6. New Android Trojan Gplayed Adapts to Attacker's Needs
  7. All WhatsApp Users Must Update: Zero Day Bug Found in WhatsApp
  8. GPlayed Trojan - .Net playing with Google Market
  9. A simple videocall could compromise your WhatsApp account


  1. Talos: Android trojan resembling Play Store installs sophisticated spyware
  2. All WhatsApp Users Must Update: Zero Day Bug Found in WhatsApp
  3. A simple videocall could compromise your WhatsApp account


  1. AA18-284A: Publicly Available Tools Seen in Cyber Incidents Worldwide
  2. Adobe patches critical flaws in many of its software offerings